Lilica begins using her psychic powers to solve missing persons' crimes while Rio and Maya try to lift the profile of the discredited police force. Maya and Rio accidentally crash into the rear of newly wed Matsuri's car, but the groom isn't Yuji - she dumped him because he took too long to propose to her. Maya, Rio and Lilica spend a night out together where Lilica gets very drunk and Maya tells Rio that she's leaving on a journey. The next morning, the police take Lilica into custody while Rio drives Maya to the railway station. On the way, they hear of hostage incident at the station. Although Maya says it's not their business Rio and Maya board the train and find the little girl hostage safe. Lilica hears about the situation and uses her psychic powers to stop the train and Maya reluctantly admits that they are a team. The Police Supreme Council reveal that they engineered the railway hostage situation and have decided to reinstate the Warriors. Unfortunately for the team, the hopeless Yuji is their new captain.